This animated series follows the stories of real female EDM artists climbing the ranks of the male-dominated electronic music scene. Imagined by a superhero team of women as a tribute to modern femininity, episode themes include self-image, bullying, power, sexuality and vulnerability.
Each motion comic chapter was created by a team of talented women: an illustrator, animator and EDM artist. We gathered everyone together on a remote island on the West coast of Canada to discover their stories in deep community with one another. What happened next was transformational.
WALA (Adi Laflamme) is getting ready to leave for a gig when she is stopped by a girl reporter who wants to understand what it's like to be a music producer or “Girl DJ.”
Backstage before a big performance, AppleCat begins to take inventory of her ‘masks’. Pulling them out of a drawer, she recalls the story of each mask and the purpose it served.
Mya, Elaine and Rachel explore the world of “masks” and how their own masks have affected them in their lives. Working in a group where everyone’s background is so different, they discuss how they each let their talents shine. Guest appearance by Annie Nocenti.
Chloé finds beats all around her. On a tour in India, Chloé doesn’t quite match expectations. Will her music and style be translated by a new international audience?
Tammy and Krista talk about digging deep into Chloé’s successful career to find a darker moment where her authenticity was put to the test. Explore steering around the damsel in distress trope and what sisterhood really means. Then hear Chloé reveal what inspires her music production.
When an evil Corporation reveals their plans to roll out a line of generic programmed Party Bots, an inventor codes a secret message inside his flagship model. Can Blondtron outsmart the corporation?
Samantha, Kristen, and Tara discuss the process of getting vulnerable in order to find the deeper story, being more than just one thing, and the beauty and value of a new feminine process. Guest appearance by Annie Nocenti.
Gabrielle’s a girl who knows what she wants. That’s why when she starts seeing Sid, a hit music producer, his ‘plans’ for her just don’t sit right and he goes out to hurt her reputation online.
Gabrielle, Jenn and Lindsay talk about the seriousness of cyberbullying, the complexities of empowered women owning their sexuality, and how each artist left their mark on the story.
A musician choked by vines of a mysterious disease, Madeline spends her days living out a fantasy life in a video game. While asleep, she reconnects to her childhood self “Lux” who gives her strength.
Madeline and Molly explore how to visualize illness through nature and the power of turning wounds into gifts and embracing a new “feminine Journey.” Molly shows us her process that starts with drawing and inking all panels by hand.